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  1. Lunnan, R. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. Four (Super)luminous Supernovae from the First Months of the ZTF Survey. Published in ApJ.

  2. Cho, Hojin. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. Variability and the Size-Luminosity Relation of the Intermediate-mass AGN in NGC 4395. Published in ApJ.

  3. Lobban, A. P. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. X-ray, UV, and optical time delays in the bright Seyfert galaxy Ark 120 with co-ordinated Swift and ground-based observations. Published in MNRAS.

  1. Wielgórski, Piotr. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. An absolute calibration of the near-infrared Period-Luminosity Relations of Type II Cepheids in the Milky Way and in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Published in ApJ.

  2. Gianniotis, N., Pozo Nunez, F., and Polsterer, Kai. Disentangling the optical AGN and Host-galaxy luminosity with a probabilistic Flux Variation Gradient. Published in A&A.



  1. Pozo Nunez, F. et al. A survey for high-mass eclipsing binaries. Published in MNRAS.

  2. Pozo Nunez, F. et al. Optical continuum photometric reverberation mapping of the Seyfert-1 galaxy Mrk509. Published in MNRAS.

  3. Chelouche, D. Pozo Nunez. et al. Direct evidence of non-disk optical continuum emission around an active black hole. Published in Nature Astronomy.


  1. Ramolla, M. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. Simultaneous Hα and dust reverberation mapping of 3C 120: Testing the bowl-shaped torus geometry. Published in A&A.

  2. Kollatschny, W. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. Broad-line region structure and line profile variations in the changing look AGN HE 1136-2304. Published in A&A.

  3. Pozo Nunez, F. et al. Accretion disk reverberation mapping of Active Galactic Nuclei at Wise Observatory. Published in PoS.

  4. Boyajian, T. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. The First Post-Kepler Brightness Dips of KIC 8462852. Published in ApJ.


  1. Pozo Nunez, F. et al. Automatized Photometric Monitoring of Active Galactic Nuclei with the 46cm Telescope of the Wise Observatory. Published in PASP.

  2. Chelouche, D., Pozo Nunez, F. et al. Methods of Reverberation Mapping. I. Time-lag Determination by Measures of Randomness. Published in ApJ.


  1. Chini, R. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. Discovery of a companion at the brown dwarf limit to the solar-type star Gliese 29. Published in Astronomische Nachrichten.

  2. Ebrero, J. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. VI. Long-term variability of the warm absorber. Published in A&A.


  1. Hackstein, M. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. Light curves of the latest FUor: Indication of a close binary. Published in A&A.

  2. Kaderhandt, L. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. Variable stars in the Bochum Galactic Disk Survey. Published in Astronomische Nachrichten.

  3. Ramolla, M. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. The stability of the optical flux variation gradient for 3C120. Published in A&A.

  4. Hackstein, M. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. The Bochum Survey of the Southern Galactic Disk: II. Follow-up measurements and multi-filter photometry for 1323 square degrees monitored in 2010-2015. Published in Astronomische Nachrichten.

  5. Pozo Nunez, F. et al. Circumstellar disks revealed by H/K flux variation gradients. Published in A&A.

  6. Arav, N. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. II. The spatial, temporal, and physical nature of the outflow from HST/COS Observations. Published in A&A.

  7. Pozo Nunez, F. et al. The broad-line region and dust torus size of the Seyfert 1 galaxy PGC 50427. Published in A&A.

  8. Mehdipour, M. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. I. A global model for the broadband spectral energy distribution. Published in A&A.


  1. Pozo Nunez, F. et al. Modelling photometric reverberation data: a disk-like broad-line region and a potentially larger black hole mass for 3C 120. Published in A&A.

  2. Pozo Nunez, F. et al. The Broad-Line Region and Dust Torus Structure of Active Galactic Nuclei. Published in Ruhr-Univ.

  3. Fuhrmann, K. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. On the Age of Gliese 86. Published in ApJ.

  4. Pozo Nunez, F. et al. The BLR structure and dust torus size of AGN - Implications from photometric and dust reverberation mapping campaigns. Published in Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso.

  5. Chini, R. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. New visual companions of solar-type stars within 25 pc. Published in MNRAS.

  6. Pozo Nunez, F. et al. Dust reverberation-mapping of the Seyfert 1 galaxy WPVS48. Published in A&A.

  7. Fuhrmann, K. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. On the bright A-type star Alpha Librae A. Published in MNRAS.


  1. Ramolla, M. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. The 40 cm Monitoring Telescope of the Universitätssternwarte Bochum. Published in Astronomische Nachrichten.

  2. Barr Domínguez, A. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. Eclipsing high-mass binaries. I. Light curves and system parameters for CPD - 51° 8946, PISMIS 24-1, and HD 319702. Published in A&A.

  3. Vaduvescu, O. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. 739 observed NEAs and new 2-4 m survey statistics within the EURONEAR network. Published in Planetary and Space Science.

  4. Pozo Nunez, F. et al. Size and disk-like shape of the broad-line region of ESO 399-IG20. Published in A&A.

  5. Barr Domínguez, A. et al. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. Eclipsing binaries among high-mass stars. Published in EAS Publications Series.


  1. Pozo Nunez, F. et al. Photometric reverberation mapping of 3C120. Published in A&A.

  2. McCall, M. L. incl. Pozo Nunez, F. Fundamentals of the dwarf fundamental plane. Published in A&A.

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